Monday, January 17, 2011

How do the readings address the context in which media is created and viewed? How does that context shape the meanings that are made when you engage w

The book is designed to help train us as students to think and write analytically. The main point that the reading is trying to get us to focus on is noticing things that are right in front of us. Some examples of this used in the book is being able to describe a penny which is an object that we are all familiar with and yet would have difficulty describing. Another example in the book is a list that Thoreau made of the things that he carried on a normal basis. However, he forgot to mention a pencil which is something that was the most important and most frequently used item in his life. The reading discussed passive looking and actively seeking. Actively seeking is what the book is teaching us how to do with exercises and practice. If we actively seek for answers within a piece, we open our eyes wider than we could have possibly imagined.

The readings greatly stress the importance of understanding the context of the media being viewed. The context is important because you have to know where an idea started and how it was created. Also, the context hints at why the piece of media was created which gives insight into the artist’s mind and perspective. If we can understand the context in which a piece was created it is easier to analyze. Paying attention and focusing on details is key in understanding and actively seeking. The book mentioned that artificial obvious’ are hard to see. In advertisements for example, matter of scale is important in focusing and paying attention to detail.

I related to the reading a lot. I realized that I was guilty of overlooking everyday objects. The reading allowed me to realize what I was doing and learn ways to work on fixing my absentmindedness. It is important to work on paying closer attention to detail because there are so many beautiful and wonderful things even if they are every day or ordinary. The exercises that are listed in the chapter are to help find beauty and importance in simple things. Nothing deserves to be overlooked. Just like the hummingbird which is an example in the reading. The hummingbird is powerful and beautiful and extraordinary and yet how many people praise or even acknowledge the strength and importance of the hummingbird?

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