Sunday, January 9, 2011

TMA 112 - Section 2: Hey!

TMA 112 - Section 2: Hey!: "Guys. Here is the blog prompt. Do what you will. What are the processes of close reading or analysis that you apply in your eve..."

Close reading and analysis is not only important in everyday life, but it is essential as well. If we do not closely analyze the images that our brains are receiving or the stories, articles, homework, and work assignments that we are reading, we will not only miss so many important aspects of what we are viewing but we will also limit ourselves from developing and understanding the world that we live in. There are different processes that are used when viewing different things. If we are reading a book or a story, we need to look closely at the characters and their interaction with each other. We also need to take into account the setting and how the point of view. There is more then meets the eye in every media text that we are viewing. There is always meaning behind everything that the artist or writer is trying to pull out of the viewer or audience. It is extremely important to constantly have our minds turning and working, digging deeper and deeper. I enjoy all different kinds of media texts from stories to films to advertisements and to paintings and photographs. I love looking at various pieces of art, in every kind of form, and trying to find the meaning and the purpose and the story behind the artist. One of the things that struck me from the book was to remember that every piece of art is composed. It has a purpose and was specifically designed to be the way we see it as the finished product. It is helpful when diagnosing a story or an image or film to think about the source or the pattern if there is one. I try to critically think about why the piece ended up the way it is. For example, if a picture is edited or cropped a certain way, I know there is a reason why. What is that reason? I especially love taking a stab at understanding mixed media. The abstract and impressionistic media is what really draws me in and holds my attention and focus. Mixed media is a combination of numerous things that fit so perfectly together, but one would never guess so when they were apart. Mixed media is beautiful and power, but requires tools of close reading to truly understand, love, and appreciate.

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