Monday, January 10, 2011

Well, the only close reading that I have done in awhile has been for school. For the past nine months or so, in most of my classes I have had to read some type of play or movie and then try to come up with some sort of meaning that I got out of it.

When given those assignments, it's easy to say, "Ok, what "bs" can I come up with this time" and just dismiss the whole thing as being unimportant to my life. But lately I have noticed a change in my everyday thinking which is making me start to appreciate all of the analytical writing that I've been having to do. For example, I'll be watching a random commercial on TV and rather then just saying, "I hate this commercial." I'll actually try to think about what it is that the commercial makers were trying to say.

So other then school, as far as things that cause me joy...I guess that it would be watching a movie. For the past ten years or so, in order for me to keep my sanity, I'll go to a movie all by myself! It usually helps if the movie is good but it doesn't have to be. Just being able to be in a dark theater without my noisy kids is priceless and extremely JOYFUL.

Another joyful media tool that I use is facebook. I only have good friends and family on there so I feel like I can be pretty open with everyone. I love being able to keep up with everyone on there but the best part of it is the pictures that people post of themselves and their kids. It just makes me feel like I'm not as far away from them.

As far as analyzing my media, I don't think I really do. Because they are both for just giving me a place to escape for awhile, I don't think that I employ too much brain power for them.


  1. I certainly agree. Deriving meaning out of literature, films, people, any movement really, requires much thoughtful analysis. And, well, at least for me, thinking critically takes quite a bit of brain power. For that, I too, find myself frolicking along the easier route: skimming books, being passage toward films, etc. Ah, there's the rub! It's the Hamlet crisis - action or inaction. Yet, the times that I do trek that rockier road, I find satisfaction. It's beautiful how meaning becomes the fabric to even the simplest movements. For that, I too, have been readjusting my lens and widening my eyesight.

    Who wouldn't find watching a movie joyful? I love those velvet, soft chairs. And even on occasion, the 3-D glasses.

    I agree with facebook. Some say that the increase of technology has lost the human touch. But these websites have this way of bringing the connection to us, whether or not it's "the human touch."

  2. I really believe in the power of bs that you briefly mention. Sometimes when I need to write, or analyze something I just have to start talking, or typing and the words eventually come to me. Suddenly 'bs' becomes truth and a magic feather makes you believe you can fly.

    It is certainly a struggle trying to express the joys of internal thoughts and feelings in a way that people externally can understand.

    If a person doesn't relate with a feeling or action that you participate in sometimes they may never know what you are talking about.

    I for one can relate to the joys of going to a movie theater by yourself.

    Thanks for your thoughts, they brought up a lot of interesting things to think about in my own process.

  3. I wish that there was a "thumbs up" on here! I really love both of your comments. Holly: You are so right about "bs"! I've had similar experiences where the bs turned into something really substantial and if I never had of gone on the bs road, I wouldn't have reached the good conclusions that I did. Very interesting. Maybe people shouldn't call it "bs" anymore.
