Monday, March 14, 2011

The Worst Scripts I've Ever Read

Wait...I thought Saw VII was the 'Final Chapter', and yet here I am being tortured all over again. These are by far the worst screenplays I have ever read. I got through about five pages of 'Smith' and eight pages of 'Huber'. I don't know who I should pity more, myself or the authors who didn't take these to a level worth making public. There general ideas carry the potential for an interesting narrative, but their current drafts are still trying to find the necessary thoughts to convey their potential goals. These stories are weighed down in pages of fat. I could not find cohesiveness in their stories, and was left wondering what they were trying to achieve outside of utter nonsense. They have no clear story structure and visually the stories make little sense. Is Mr. Bellpond suppose to be a comedy or a tragedy? The self indulging tone of the voice over and the coupling of 'spooning' and depression feels horribly artificial. Meanwhile Grace shows no mentally capacity to process what is happening to her, and the world in general breaks any form of plausibility.

I'm hoping these screenplays were primarily intended to 'investigate gospel principles' because that may explain why they feel so completely forced. The characters are put in wildly imaginative situations but then they just sit and mope while the authors try and find what the point of their writing may be.

I cannot take this blog prompt seriously. These scripts need real editing and revisions that I do not have time to preform. After all, I have my own horrible scripts to write.

-Nephi Hepworth

1 comment:

  1. I admire your blunt honesty here. I agree that these scripts are lacking a great deal. I didn't understand the stories, and I actually read both of them in their entirety. I really appreciate that you wouldn't hide behind meaningless, inoffensive comments that you don't believe in, but instead announce exactly what is on your mind. Thank you for this post.
