Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog 7

I remember the first time I viewed “The Book of Jer3miah” web series several months ago. Everyone had built it up so much and I was so unfamiliar with web series in general that I was very unprepared for it. I guess you could say that I didn't really appreciate the entertainment value in it. Yet, at the same time, was I able to see the Lord's hand in it? Of course. It has been my belief for some time that LDS film makers just about always tend to produce something with a very different feel to it. Heaven help me if I should ever loose that authentic part of me that seperates us from the film makers around the world.

Even though I didn't absolutely love the “Book of Jer3miah” I still manage to really enjoy certain aspects of it that I'd like to be able to imitate in my own media production. One of the most prominent of these aspects for me would be humility. This happens to be something you rarely see in modern media and I feel like it truly does a good job of reflecting the gospel. We can't expect to produce anything truly inspired without it. I loved in Elder Ballard's talk when he spoke of “A Christmas Carol, “Charles Dickens had to be inspired of God when he wrote that. He had to have the inspiration of Heaven, and how many lives has this little dialogue touched over the years?”

As a creator, I don't need the gospel to form anything that the world deems as “good.” Heck, I don't even need the spirit at all. But if we want to create anything truly inspired, we will need the spirit, more than ever. I feel that “The Book of Jer3miah” was made with great patience and humility, and I personally believe that much of this comes from the filmmaker's testimonies.

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