Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Post 4

How does the reading inform your understanding of respect for difference? How can we make work that is personal, authentic, and true to ourselves that also respects others?

The reading talked a lot about differences. Not only differences in race or nationality, but also in gender. Many people cannot accept differences because they do not understand or care to understand people or things that are different from them. This is because it is outside of their comfort zones. However, this is a major issue. In my opinion, close-mindedness is one of the most frustrating and aggravating personality traits that a person can have. I guess in a way though, this is judgmental of me to judge others that have developed different ideologies than I have due to different life experiences. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, so I have experienced a lot of diversity through out my life. I have experienced diversity with race, sexuality, and upbringing such as manners and interaction. I believe that being exposed to so much diversity from such a young age has really made me more open-minded and accepting of diversity. It is difficult to embrace and appreciate diversity, but I think it is a wonderful and beautiful thing.

The reading makes it clear that respect of diversity is essential. This is because it is differences that makes life interesting. If everyone were the same, then the world that we live in would be a straight line as opposed to a masterpiece. Critical judgment not only stunts relationships but it stunts possibility. Differences allow people to grow and become well-rounded. However, I understand how difficult it can be to accept the unknown. It is important to be comfortable and genuine. So how does one do this if they are not comfortable with differences? It is important to stay true to yourself but it is also important not to disrespect others. The key is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Also, you cannot put yourself on a pedestal. Often times people look at others and see difference. But these people do not stop and think that in the eyes of others, they are also different. People need to learn how to work together and love each other no matter how similar or different they are from one another. It is possible to be true to ones self and still love other people regardless of the differences. Many times people count the differences and fail to see that the similarities often outweigh the differences.

What it comes down to is everyone is important. Everyone is special in their own ways for numerous reasons. Everyone is not the same, but everyone is special. All people have meaningful things to contribute to society and to each other. If we allow differences to come between us, we are only hurting ourselves. Differences are what makes the world such a wonderful place and seeing that is something that some people need to work on and would benefit greatly by doing so. Love and respect holds more merit than the color of a persons skin, a person's gender, or his or her sexuality. If we can strip away all of our walls and stereotypical judgments, the world would be a happier, more peaceful, loving place to live and interact with everyone.

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