Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Post 5 - I Thought Respect was Only Earned?

In reading Paul Fussell’s thoughts on social class I felt disconnected to his main amusement. He constantly relies on the middle class’ open uneasiness to the idea of social classification because they are constantly teetering into subjection. I have needs and wants but rarely do I consider the way in which others look upon my social standing. If people so universally fret and toil over their ranking why does this essay feel so foreign to me?

I eventually realized what he was talking about by allowing myself to reference this idea of social standings through the subject of cars. People tend to have nicer cars in relations to where they live. If you live in a condo or apartment why do you drive a 25,000 to 50,000 dollar SUV? I remember I use to think trucks were cheap, I mean they rarely fit more than two people comfortably and yet they cost just as much as a sports luxury car! People do not care how much they are paying to ride these monstrosities because they worry very deeply about their social standings. No one sees you in your two-bedroom home, everyone sees you in your decked out car.

From time to time my wife who is a convert to the church complains about having to wear a dress for Sunday Sabbath. I encourage her to wear some nice pants but she refuses. She wants to wear pants, but the fear of what the other women will think keeps her from doing so. Is she just being silly, or are these women truly retro Satanists hiding behind plastered smiles? Do we dress nice for ‘God’ or are we really just putting on a show for those around us?

Am I clearly showing respect for difference? Of course not. I think it is important to have a clear understanding of difference…but respect? Life is about duality. The Book of Mormon teaches us to be peaceful. The Book of Mormon also teaches us to give brief warning and then proceed to sever, chop, and slice the needed body parts of those who appose us.

I try to respect social boundaries by attacking the core problem. Someone is never wrong because of age, race, religion or sexuality. Instead they are wrong because of a deeper belief and action upon me. Are you honestly doing anything artistically good if you aren’t pissing someone off? What great evil thing did Joseph Smith do to gain so much hatred and anti literature? My words are dangerous, but I believe in their duality.

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