Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog 7

Learning by faith seems to wrap around the aspect of trust. When I learn by faith, I am submitting to something beyond my scope of control. With trust come confidence, reliance, and surety. I find it’s by this trust that allows my learning to increase through my faith, which also strengthens. When I think of this concept, I tend to reflect on the analogy of the shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd strains the lamb’s legs, in order to prepare the lamb to be the leader of the flock. Thus, the shepherd carries the lamb across his shoulders, and feeds the lamb for months. Finally, when the lamb can walk again, the lamb recognizes the shepherd’s voice and leads the flock. I learn by faith because I rely on my Heavenly Father. Although, I do not know why there are times when I cannot walk, I have confidence that He will carry me. This is how I think of learning by faith and reason. It is the sole confidence and reliance upon our Heavenly Father to make us stronger, to make us smarter, to make us leaders.

Living the Gospel can help me become a better creator. When I think of the ultimate creator, the divine artist, I absolutely think of my Heavenly Father. As the Creator, He made mountains, suns, planets, sand that our feet can sink into, clear water that glitter with the scales of an orange coy fish. He is so loving that he made such a beautiful earth for his children to enjoy. I’m not sure how “fun” it would be if we were to literally take a test with pen and paper to become like Him. Rather, we have this earth. Just thinking of this, makes me understand the selflessness and love that is required as a creator. By continually looking to the Creator through the Gospel, I can become a better creator.

As I watched Jer3miah and read the articles, I noticed that the characters as well as the audience are challenged to learn by faith and reason. This is cool. I love how the creators implemented this into their web series. I see the trust that is required of Jeremiah as he begins to listen to “the Shepherd’s voice” (in a way- I’m stretching my analogy quite a bit). Anyways, Jeremiah is discovering himself, his heritage, by choosing to trust and learn by faith. 

1 comment:

  1. Sophia, first off I have to tell you how beautiful you weave words. It is simply gorgeous. You really know how to engage the senses and mix words with sensations. I just thought you ought to know that.

    Now in comment to your post, what you said was fantastic. How wonderful a creator our Heavenly Father is and how sad is it when we stubbornly try and create on our own. I know he wants to help us. Being children of a creator we all have a need to create. I sometimes wonder if that is not one of his greatest gifts to us. That is why living the gospel is so absolutely important. If we don't, we cannot expect to have our minds enlightened and we will not be able to share His messages and His creations with His children.
